VV 633 • BACH - Wohltemperiertes Klavier Part 2, Vol. 2: 5

Johann Sebastian Bach: Wohltemperiertes Klavier Part 2, Vol. 2: 5 three-part preludes and fugues

for String trio (Violin, Viola and Violoncello)
after the original version for piano (harpsichord)
Prelude and fugue belong together, forming one work. In Bach's case, however, the two movements are seldom in the same harmony - and thus also suitable for the same string instrumentation. Here are 5 particularly beautiful examples.
Available as
Sheet music
Sheet Music
Edition No
VV 633
Edition (Format)
Score an parts (3), Format A4
© 2014 ViolaViva
Series (Volume)
Well-Temp. Clavier - Part II (#2)
Opus / Directory
BWV 870, 872, 873, 880, 881
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    25.00 CHF
Johann Sebastian Bach: Wohltemperiertes Klavier Part 2, Vol. 2: 5 three-part preludes and fugues25.00CHF