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Is this a different mass than the "W. Byrd Mass" by X.P. Thoma (XPT 40)?
This composer is also (better) known as Edward DIEMENTE (under which far more references to his life and compositions can be found). Oddly enough a composition award exists in his name "Diamente", and some of his pupils also refer to him by this name. Born: Cranston, Rhode Island (USA), 1923 Died: Hartford, Connecticut (USA), 29/12/2018 Allen Library at University of Hartford, entry with list of works  http://library.hartford.edu/allenlibrary/composers/composerbio.asp?composer=Diemente, Edward. Obituary:  https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/hartfordcourant/obituary.aspx?n=edward-philip-diemente&pid=191182832
Born: Cranston, Rhode Island (USA), 1923 Died: Hartford, Connecticut (USA), 29/12/2018 Allen Library at University of Hartford, entry with list of works  http://library.hartford.edu/allenlibrary/composers/composerbio.asp?composer=Diemente, Edward. Obituary:  https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/hartfordcourant/obituary.aspx?n=edward-philip-diemente&pid=191182832
This serenade has the subtitle "Verwante zielen" (Related Souls), and was composed for (and premiered by) the Dutch sisters Annette and Gisella Bergman, both professional violists. Their recording is available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdSozYmUgS0
A complete list of Solare's works for viola (from his website): http://www.juanmariasolare.com/solare-viola.pdf Latest update: 27/01/2015
Found this CD with some interesting viola works by Spanish composer Ramón Paús (1956), performed by the excellent Yuval Gotlibovich. https://www.naxos.com/catalogue/item.asp?item_code=8.573602 booklet: https://www.chandos.net/chanimages/Booklets/NX3602.pdf
(since mr. Ewald notes he could not find it) - The Monologue is (now) available from EMV verlag: https://www.ebert-musikverlag.de/werkdetail.php?ismn1=0816-5
Relating to my previous input - I found the link to the webshop on the Arranger's (ms. Kobayakawa's) website for the Viola Quartet version: https://www.royal-viola.com/product-page/b-smetana-vltava-from-m%C3%A1-vlast-download-edition
There exists a good arrangement of "Die Moldau" for viola ensemble (4 voices): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLmIxdr8kN4 by Mamiko Kobayakawa  Still trying to get a hold of the sheet music ...
According to Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliott_Schwartz  Elliott Schwartz died on December 7th, 2016
A transcription of the Arpeggione sonata for Viola Quartet has been created by Ross Cohen of the famous "Absolute Zero Viola Quartet" - link: http://www.absolutezeroviola4.com/product/schubert-arpeggione-quartet/
According to this article, https://www.polskieradio.pl/8/4933/Artykul/2333823 Boguslaw Schaeffer died on July 1st, 2019 in Poland (Krakow?)
passed away
According to this news report, Wolfgang Marschner sadly passed away in March 2020. https://slippedisc.com/2020/06/death-of-a-german-violinist-93/
Harding's "June Sunrise (Idyll)" is available at Corda publishing as CMP 659: http://www.cordamusic.co.uk/viola1.html

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